Photography Quotes and Life Quotes

“Photography is what emotions look like.”

Jon Luvelli

“There are many points of view. We as photographers immortalize the existence of an isolated view.”

Jon Luvelli

“Harmony creates equality.”

Jon Luvelli

“You may call my ideals “different”, but one day soon, my “difference” will change the world.”

Jon Luvelli

 “It’s not luck when you’re consistent.”

Jon Luvelli

“Do what you love everyday, smile at everyone you meet, notice the beauty in everything you see and you will accomplish every goal you have and live every dream you dream. You are wonderful.”

Jon Luvelli

“People come in all forms, opinions are only yours.”

Jon Luvelli


“Every person has the ability to contribute to their life in both positive and negative ways, and they do. The key is to find a medium that will allow abundnence.”

Jon Luvelli


“If it’s more than you had, you can’t be mad.”

Jon Luvelli

 ”Being Successful is a State of Mind. It’s not measured by how much money you have or how popular you are. It’s how you feel about yourself.” 

Jon Luvelli

“Do what you do best, conjure up something awesome.”

Jon Luvelli


“The mind is a terrible thing to waste, so don’t waste your time with terrible minds.”

Jon Luvelli


“I see life through my own eyes, not the way society and mediocre minds have tried to imbed in me.”

Jon Luvelli


“If you don’t appreciate all genres, then you’ll never experience the true meaning and beauty of music.”



“Good dreams are when you wake up smiling, great dreams are when you realize it’s real.”

Jon Luvelli


“Art will not tolerate a mistress.”

Jon Luvelli


“Believe in what you do, you will be surprised how many others will too.”

Jon Luvelli


“I love woman that have great self confidence. I am always one to appreciate the assests of a woman.”

Jon Luvelli


“My life is to give you a break from the world. I freeze time with visions and sounds, you match them with your feelings. We coexist.”

Jon Luvelli


“Rode the maze of hell and hella amazed I made it.”

Jon Luvelli


“Some consider haters, people that simply cannot be happy for another person’s success. I just don’t consider them.”

Jon Luvelli


“…offensive display of superiority or self-importance; overbearing pride.

…funny, most people that display the above definition in character can’t even spell arrogance.”

Jon Luvelli


“Educated people solve problems, ignorant people search it and believe they did.” Jon Luvelli


“I hope you see something that brings you happiness, provokes a fond memory or creates a new perspective.”



“I don’t fantasize, my mind just moves”

Jon Luvelli


“Don’t be upset about the things that haven’t gone your way yet, think of the things you have and appreciate that you wanted what you have now at one time.”

Jon Luvelli

“When you change your habitual thoughts it’s like changing the direction of a train.”

Jon Luvelli

“Don’t fear your imagination, embrace it.”

Jon Luvelli